The Good Food Buzz

Say hello to happy and healthy!

Get Your Plate in Shape and Celebrate National Nutrition Month!

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Hola! I had an incredible day today, hope you did too! The weather was gorgeous and I luckily got to enjoy it with a day off from work 🙂 It was a pretty productive day: went grocery shopping, to the gym, did some wedding planning, and now I’m writing to you! Well, March is in full swing and not only do I get to celebrate my birthday this month, but also National Nutrition Month and The Good Food Buzz’s ONE year anniversary!!! Each March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrates National Nutrition Month with a special theme, with this year’s being “Get Your Plate in Shape.” Remember last summer when Michelle Obama helped promote the new “My Plate” over the traditional food pyramid? Check out my post Out with the Old and In with the New – Bye Bye Food Pyramid?! to refresh your memory. 

How have your plates sized up since last June?? Hopefully you’ve been enjoying each meal and watching your portions! Here are some tips to “get your plate in shape” and still enjoy the foods you like!

1) DOWNSIZE – Want to know a secret? Try using a smaller plate/bowl and glass when you sit down to eat, and I assure you, you will eat less!

2) FOCUS – On your food of course! Try sitting down at the table instead of in front of the TV or computer so there’s no room for distractions. Fact is, multi-tasking leads to eating MORE!

3) Go SLOW – Take your time and eat slowly to help your body feel satisfied without overeating. Did you know that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that your body is not hungry? So go slow!

MyPlate SuperTracker is an online tool that helps you understand what and how much you should eat. It’s personalized so you’re able to track your foods and exercise. Try it out!

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has more information at so show your support and celebrate National Nutrition Month!

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